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Cushion Cut Lab Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring Ada Diamonds

Lab Diamond Cushion Cut Engagement Rings

A beautiful blend of old mine cuts and the modern round brilliant, classic feeling cushion cut diamonds are worn by celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vergara and Bar Refaeli and are quickly becoming one of today's most popular diamond shapes. The Ada Diamonds Concierge Team can curate a list of the best lab created cushion cut diamonds that are not available anywhere else and help you design a ring worthy of your romance. 

Classic Cushions

Easily recognizable by their gently rounded edges, the cushion cut, sometimes known as a "pillow cut" or "candlelight cut", lends a timeless and feminine feel to any engagement ring.

In eras predating our modern ability to cut diamonds, these beautiful diamonds were cut to maximize the brilliance they displayed in the candlelight of the day.

Today, the most common cushion cut diamonds are known as "modified cushion cuts" referring to the additional faceting that has been made possible by modern cutting techniques, while still maintaining the graceful pillow shape that makes cushion cuts so noticeable.

Ada's Diamond Concierge team can help you design a setting for your lab created cushion cut diamond with a unique vintage feel, or something spectacularly modern. Ada receives the first right of refusal from diamond growers the world over, meaning your concierge will curate a list of stones for you not available anywhere else. Inquire today to get started!

Graded by The World’s Best Labs

Graded by The World’s Best Labs

Ada Diamonds is proud to offer the majority of our large, fancy-shaped lab diamonds with certifications from GIA, the world’s most respected independent diamond agency.

Looking to Upgrade?

Looking to Upgrade?

Want to upgrade to a bigger, brighter diamond? Ada’s clients are able to achieve a larger diamond over mined diamonds for the same price. Your journey begins with a consultation.

Find the Perfect Match to Your Perfect Engagement Ring

Find the Perfect Match to Your Perfect Engagement Ring

In addition to stunning, one-of-a-kind custom oval engagement rings, we would be happy to create a stunning bridal set featuring wedding bands from simple to luxurious.

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© 2025 Alexander Primak Jewelry Inc. All diamonds offered by Ada Diamonds™ are proudly laboratory-grown and can be referred to as lab created diamonds, grown diamonds, synthetic diamonds, man-made diamonds, cultivated diamonds, or cultured diamonds.